Origami Folded Fabric Pouches

I first saw one of these folded fabric pouches when I was attending a craft session on a cruise. Mary Loggie, our tutor for the sessions, showed me how to make this pouch and an evening bag [made in a similar way] after everyone else had left. I particularly like the pouches because of all the pockets and the lovely shape.

The hand-stitched pouch below was my first attempt. As you can see, the flap is off-centre. This happened because I rushed the project and did not check that my fabric was completely square. It’s a shame because I love this fabric so much and had kept it for years to make something special – and then because of my impatience, I ruined it! Serves me right!

Hand-stitched pouch using
Laura Ashley fabric

For my next attempt I made three pouches using the sewing machine and I really did rush these but, they turned out more symmetrical. I made them for a project I have under way but they are too small so I have decided to donate them for a sale of work being held on Saturday 03 November 2012 at Bury Art Gallery in aid of the Young Oncology Unit at the Christie Hospital.

Machine-stitched pouches