
It’s been a while since I blogged. This partly due to the fact that Peter and I had a few days holiday last week. It was a cheap and cheerful break in Torquay. It was nothing special, just a fairly basic hotel and a couple of excursions on the coach but it really helped to recharge my batteries.

I knew that recent events had left me feeling drained, but I had not realised just how much they had taken out of me. But things are looking up. I have more energy to plan what I would like to do. I cannot start just yet as we are having a new boiler fitted tomorrow – sewing and workmen do not mix! Never mind, perhaps I’ll be able to get going in a few days.

The other thing I am trying to get going on is arranging a date to go and stay with my Little Sis and with another friend at the opposite end of the country. Little Sis and I are hoping to go to the Manet exhibition at the Royal Academy and, perhaps, also take in a show in the afternoon. This time I think we will book tickets as last time we just missed out on seeing the Afghanistan exhibition at the British Museum – the person immediately in front of us in the queue had the last ticket for that day. So near and yet so far!

For the time being I will try to get myself organised to post some pictures of things that I have made or finished recently. I have a review and tutorial that I am hoping to compile and post here shortly, workmen, housework (!!!) and mojo permitting.

And, a little confession. I have decided not to take part in the Pile o’ Fabric Block of the Month. The reason? I don’t actually like the designs of the blocks very much! 

At last…

I realised an hour or so ago that I am beginning to feel like me again – and it’s great!

I knew that I had been struggling to fend off the worst of the depression and anxiety that are always with me, but I had not realised quite how low my mood had become. That is one of the difficulties with depression: it is so hard to recognise when one’s condition is worsening. However, having said all that, I managed to take pretty good care of myself and I feel quite pleased about it! I think this is the first time that I have managed the depression and anxiety so successfully. I took a step back from most of the activities that I am usually a part of; I resisted taking on lots of tasks, to avoid putting myself under unnecessary pressure; and I set myself some goals – which I more or less achieved.

Two of the goals I set myself related to help that I had committed to giving to others. I decided that I did not want to let those people down so I scheduled time to actually carry out those tasks. With the first task I was defeated by circumstances. I had to travel to Kent at fairly short notice, to look after my mother so ran out of time to complete it. However, I managed to complete the second task and was really rather pleased with the result. Doing both of those things gave me a much-needed boost.

After Christmas I still needed time to rebuild my mental and physical energy so continued to take things easy. Then I developed a chest infection. All of this has meant that I have felt almost continuously enervated for weeks. 

But, now, all that has changed. I’m beginning to get back to my normal. I am SO pleased. It has been a vicious cycle: depression, lack of energy, loss of enthusiasm and so on.

If you have not suffered the effects of depression, either as the depressed person or as a carer of someone with depression, then this post quite possibly doesn’t really mean much to you. BUT, if you have suffered, you will probably have some idea of how wonderful it is to feel your “normal” .                  

Happiness is…

In September I wrote a post about feeling relaxed. I reread that post this evening and it struck me just how lucky I am that I am able to squeeze pleasure from some very simple things. 

Earlier today I was reading a piece written on the One Good Thing by Jillee blog about simple ways to make life happier. Click here to read her suggestions.

After reading Jillee’s list I, very naturally, began to think about what makes me happy. Here are some of the things that came to mind:

Hearing my grandson say “It’s my Nana”. I get such a thrill when he says ‘my’!

Having a cup of milky coffee with ‘skin’ on it. I know lots of people will find that disgusting  but I really enjoy the skin on hot milk.

Doing something for someone else on the spur of the moment.

When someone in the queue at the checkout in the supermarket allows me to go in front of them because I have fewer items.

When someone compliments me and I am able to accept that they actually mean what they say.

Having time alone out of choice.

A cool day in summer.

A beautiful sunrise or sunset.

Having the luxury of time to do things I like to do.

Having people whom I love and who love me.

Lots of vinegar on chips.

Obviously, (well at least I hope it’s obvious) the above are not in order of importance or preference they are simply in the order that my iPad allowed me to put them in!

What Would I Like to Achieve in 2013?

Yesterday I read Fiona’s blog post on The Sewing Directory where she talks about how she fared with the goals she set herself in 2012 and what goals she has for the coming year.

Generally I don’t tend to take much notice of the coming of a new year but Fiona’s post set me thinking about my own sewing- and craft-related achievements and goals. In April 2012 I treated myself to an embellishing machine for my birthday – it was a complete and utter indulgence as I bought it as a toy! It was a ridiculously extravagant whim, but I don’t actually care! What I do care about is that I have not had much of a chance to use it. I need to be able to spread everything around me when I use it so it’s best to work on it when Peter is away overnight. Unfortunately whenever he’s been away I have been unwell. 

So my first goal for 2013 Is to play with my embellisher more [including not being ill if he is away!].

Earlier this year I made my first machine-stitched quilt. I wasn’t planning to make a quilt, it just sort of ‘happened’. I was attending a WEA patchwork course (by accident, as I had thought it was a creative textiles course!) and began fiddling with some scraps and trying to do some log cabin. And it just grew…! I’m not good at putting together colours and/or patterns and tend to be quite conservative in my attempts. However when making the quilt I just went for it. The main colour of the project was blue so I simply rounded up all the blue fabric I could find [without buying any more] and began sewing it together sometimes with forethought, but often just randomly! When I had finished I realised how brave I had been in just going for it.

So, my second goal is to continue to be brave in my use of colour and pattern and also to look and learn about colour and design.

In the autumn of 2012 I responded to an invitation from Cindy of Fluffy Sheep Quilting – to produce a tutorial for an item made with fabric that she sells, for which she would provide, free of charge, enough fabric to make the item. Although I had previously composed copious notes and instructions for use by others, I had never attempted a sewing tutorial. Actually, I am almost ashamed of having the audacity to offer to put one together! Well, I set to and decided I would work on the same principle that I use when writing other instructions – explain absolutely everything that has to be done – plus, for an online tutorial, photograph every single step. That was what I did and it seemed to work out OK.

So, my third goal is to put together the second tutorial that I had offered to do, but which had to be postponed due to my mother’s illness. [I have to say here that although Cindy is ‘only’ an online friend, she has been tremendously supportive over the past three months – thank you very much, Cindy, it really is very much appreciated.]

As for my fourth goal, I have already taken one small step towards it. I have signed up to the Skill Builder Block of the Month project that Alyssa is running over at Pile O Fabric . I blogged about that decision and am pleased to report that several other members of the forum at Shortcuts to Sewing have also signed up. The next step for me will be to actually do the work involved!

My fourth goal really encompasses all of the above – it is to continue to challenge myself. It doesn’t matter whether I make a fully thought through choice or whether I do my usual trick of jumping in with both feet, as long as I keep having a go at new things.

Do you have any sewing goals for this year? Why not share them on here? You never know, sharing may even help spur you on to achieving them!