Bossymamma Presents…

Since booking my ticket to Oz I have been thinking about what presents I could give to my new relations. I would prefer to make the gifts rather than just buy them as that will make them more personal: more of me than from me. Obviously the presents for Nick and Min (her name is Donata but I am now calling her ‘Min’, short for Mini Sis) will need to be something really special and I think, I HOPE, that I have come up with an ideal gift. In fact, these gifts will be jointly from me and my elder sister, Maria. I cannot reveal what it is at the moment as Min may well read this post.

When I had settled on the idea I rang Christina to ask her where she would recommend that I buy the necessary materials. Christina is extremely talented and knowledgeable in the craft activities that she has done. She is also very generous about sharing her skills.

I told her what I was intending to create and we discussed various aspects of the project. She then said that she had various materials which might be useful, either in the project itself, or in helping me to decide what I should buy. I was pleased when she offered to come to see me later the same day with the various bits and pieces – particularly as I had been attacked by yet another chest infection and was trying to rest as much ass possible.

When Christina arrived Peter took her dog, Lucy, for a walk, leaving us to concentrate on the matter in hand. I tried out each of the samples that Christina had brought and, between us, we decided which worked best. When Peter returned he agreed with our selection so the choice was made. Christina very kindly said I could use what we had chosen. I was very grateful and immediately accepted as I was concerned about how soon I would be well enough to go shopping – it’s not the sort of thing that can be bought online unless you have previously used what you order.

Christina’s offer has meant that I have been able to begin working on the project during this weekend, albeit slowly. I am pleased with how it is turning out and hope that my new brother and sister will also be.

Once I have given Min and Nick their special gifts I will post pictures of the finished items on here. Until then, I need to ensure that Min doesn’t discover what I am doing!

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